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SARS-COV-2 Antigen Rapid Test 【saliva】

SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Saliva Rapid TestDevice is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitativedetection of specific antigens fromSARS-CoV-2 present in humansaliva within the first 7 days ofsymptom onset.


  • Specimen : Saliva
  • Rapid test : 20 mins for results
  • Simple operation
  • Convenient storage : 2-30℃
  • High sensitivity and specificity


lndividually packed Test Devices
20 Tests
5 Tests
1 Test
Extraction solution
20 bottles
5 bottles
1 bottle
Saliva Collection Container
20 pcs
5 pcs
1 pc
20 pcs
5 pcs
1 pc
Garbage bag
/ 5 pcs
1 pc
Work Station
1 pc
/ /
Package insert
1 pc
5 pcs
1 pc

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